Case Study: Optimizing Tailing Dewatering Processes at Kennecott Mine

The Challenge

North American Industrial Services (NAIS), in consultation with UMPS’ tailing dewatering experts, provided industrial cleaning support to Kennecott Mine in Magna, Utah. Their customer requested an alternative method to excavation and open-air drying of tailings. The tailings contained recoverable metal benefits if dry ore was 60% solids, requiring a conditioning agent that would not interfere with the copper cathode process. Additionally, recovered ore needed protection from rewetting by rain and migration of airborne particles during storage.

The Solution

NAIS reviewed various tailing dewatering technologies and selected Geotube® containers and SmartFeed™ chemical conditioning technology to meet the goals of the project. These combined tailing dewatering technologies enabled hydraulic dredging at variable rates of 800-1,500 gpm with feed solid variations of 2-30% dry solids.

The SmartFeed™ system’s ability to handle such variable feed allowed the dredge to operate without intervention. The collection of ore fines having a particle size of 75μm required a chemical program that resulted in high capture rates with a dose rate that did not impede recovery process.

The consolidated ore within the Geotube® containers exceeded 60% dry solids with a capture rate of 99.3% in the returning filtrate. The Geotube® structures provided protection from rewetting and protection from airborne particulate migration.

*SmartFeed™ is a patent-pending technology of Mineral Processing Services, LLC.
**Geotube® is a registered trademark of TenCate™ and is used with permission.

The Impact of Our Tailing Dewatering Solution

The Kennecott Mine team shared their positive experience with our tailing dewatering solution, stating

“The use of Geotube® containers fed by the Smartfeed™ system provided a process that benchmarked itself daily with mass-balance reporting. The application resulted in a low impact to the surrounding environment, leaving a protected, recoverable ore.”

kennecott mine geotube

If your organization is facing similar challenges in your tailings management, contact the UMPS team to learn how our innovative tailing dewatering solutions can help you achieve optimal results.

Leverage Our Tailing Dewatering Technology & Expertise

Our team of experienced engineers and specialists will work closely with you to develop a tailing dewatering plan that addresses the unique challenges of your project. From navigating environmental regulations to selecting the most effective tailing dewatering technology for your specific tailings’ characteristics, our expertise will help you achieve efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible sediment removal. Reach out today or contact James Meagher to discuss your tailing dewatering project requirements and explore how we can help you optimize your operations.

Contact James E. Meagher
207-751-4416 (cell)
860-767-8256 x. 136 (office)
[email protected]