Case Study: Slurry Dewatering System Restores Weymouth Harbor
The Solution
The SmartFeed™ slurry dewatering system was an instrumental part of the successful harbor remediation. This project required a combination of mechanical and hydraulic dredging to remove metal-contaminated sediments.
The SmartFeed™ system injected polymers into the dredged slurry, conditioning it for pumping into Geotube® containers. Dredging operations occurred 12-14 hours per day, 7 days a week, to meet the project’s tight deadline. Prior to dredging, contractors installed a sediment curtain to control turbidity and removed existing docks and piers as needed. Mechanical raking cleared the work area of debris before hydraulic dredging began.

Approximately 26,000 cubic yards of sediment were hydraulically dredged from the bottom of the harbor and conveyed through a 2,000 linear foot pipeline to the SmartFeed™ system. A temporary building housed the system which filtered and treated the hydraulically dredged sediments at a rate of 3,500 gallons per minute (gpm).
A liquid polymer was injected into the effluent, binding metal contaminants and enabling their separation from the water. The decanted water from the Geotube® containers was pumped it into a detention basin, tested, and discharged into the harbor. Impacted sediments from the Geotube® containers were blended with on-site soils and imported fill, creating a backfill layer of more than 100,000 cubic yards to restore the pre-construction grade. After dredging, the contractor installed a stone cap revetment with an engineered textile underlayment. The marina was returned to operational status by reinstalling docks and driving new piers. Restoration was completed by constructing a 12-acre naturalization zone covered with wetland seed mix and plantings.

*SmartFeed™ is a patent-pending technology of Mineral Processing Services, LLC.
**Geotube® is a registered trademark of TenCate™ and is used with permission.
Contact Us
Reach out to James Meagher or contact our team to discuss your needs and discover how our slurry dewatering system and environmental remediation services can help you achieve your goals.
Contact James E. Meagher
207-751-4416 (cell)
860-767-8256 x. 136 (office)
[email protected]