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UMPS Assessment & Flow Restoration of Ranney Well Radial Collector Laterals at Connecticut River Power Plant

The Challenge  Cooling water intake cleaning is a continual challenge for power plants. But what happens when the cooling water intakes are screened laterals that are the heart of a Ranney Radial Well System?   The Kleen Energy power plant in Connecticut has two Ranney Vertical Wells supplying their cooling [...]

2025-02-24T20:01:55+00:00August 24th, 2022|

UCC Support of Invasive Mussel Control Demonstration Project

The USGS figure below presents the point distribution map of Dreissena polymorpha throughout the continental US through February 2019. Figure 1: Zebra Mussel Population Estimates Non-native zebra and quagga mussels invaded the Great Lakes region in the early 1990s arriving in foreign ships’ ballast water. Some [...]

2022-08-09T21:39:20+00:00August 8th, 2022|
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