Midwest Nuclear Station Water Intake Structure Repair

Project Type

Project Description

In the spring of 2013 Underwater Construction Corporation (UCC) worked with a Midwest nuclear station to develop a repair plan for the sites raw water intake structure. In July 2013 the formal award was given whereby the mobilization of UCC’s crew and work vessel the “Salvor” began.

The intake crib located in one of the great Lakes is primarily constructed of wooden timber and steel angle. The ultimate goal for UCC was to replace the original steel angle with new stainless steel angle along with the replacement of diagonal shear straps.

mw-intake-repair-2The job involved the use of a local contracted crane barge to move the large armor stone surrounding the crib. Extensive excavating via air lift and careful hand removal was required to allow the divers to gain access to the lower bolting of the angles. Additional steel was found onsite that was not indicated on any existing prints. UCC was quick to reassess the additional work required and added to the removal phase effort seamlessly. Additionally UCC was able to work adequately around challenging lake and weather conditions. Amidst numerous challenges UCC was able to complete the project without safety incident and within budget.

Project Details


Primary Contractor – Turnkey Service Provider
Skills Needed

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