Drinking Water Sediment Removal
Project Type

Project Description
An eight-municipality Water Treatment Facility in North East USA required UCC’s Specialized Drinking Water Dive Services. Scope of work included tank floor cleaning, pipe repair, sediment removal and structural inspection.
The work was performed within a nine million gallon underground storage tank utilizing decontamination protocol per American Water Works Association (AWWA) guidelines. The water and entrained sediment were safely removed and processed at a rate of nearly 1,000 gpm via an “Eco Friendly” GeoTube filtration system while meeting all permit parameters.
UCC designed a site-specific removal plan that was executed per requirements and supervised the removal of all dewatered sediment from the project site – to a State approved disposal facility. UCC provided project documentation of daily treatment of influent and effluent process reports, ROV pre and post inspections, tank coating and structural inspections.
The project was completed on time, on budget, under continuous customer inspector oversight and without disruption to facility up-time.