Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance

Nuclear power plants generate large amounts of reliable and low-carbon electricity for millions worldwide, contributing to the global energy mix while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As time progresses, a facility may require maintenance and repairs to address structural deterioration and to mitigate the effects of normal wear-and-tear.

UCC provides comprehensive nuclear power plant maintenance services to optimize safety and efficiency, and is a trusted resource for customers in various industries. As one of the world’s most accomplished nuclear diving companies, utilities worldwide rely on our nuclear power plant maintenance expertise to keep them running at maximum capacity.

Some of the common services provided by our certified dive teams during nuclear power plant maintenance include:

  • Debris, sludge and sediment removal from intake structures, vessels and storage tanks

  • Concrete repair and leak sealing

  • Epoxy and chemical grout injection

  • Traveling water screen adjustment and repair

  • Weld repair of carbon and stainless steel structures, systems and components

  • ASTM/ANSI-certified underwater Applied coatings services

  • Underwater leak detection and weld repair

  • Fuel transfer system upenders, transfer carts, limit switches and drive mechanism repair

We provide maintenance and repair services to support emergent work or as part of a structured preventative maintenance program. When an unexpected need arises, our dive teams are available on a callout basis. In supporting an ongoing maintenance program, UCC works with site personnel to implement procedures and programs that are consistent with site technical specifications and operating requirements.

UCC performs inspections on safety-related and non-safety-related structures, systems and components to provide the licensee with the information needed to make informed nuclear power plant maintenance decisions. We inspect:

  • Intake cribs, tunnels and canals

  • Traveling water screens

  • Intake structures and circulating water pumps

  • Condenser water boxes

  • Condensate storage tanks, reactor vessels and vessel internals, tori and suppression pools

  • Fuel pool liners, transfer systems and gates

Our comprehensive programs address weld inspection, coating, corrosion inspection, mechanical and structural inspection, leak detection, and inspections of traveling water screens, fuel pool liners and condensate storage tanks. Our inspection programs are typically integrated in a comprehensive maintenance program.

Learn more about our nuclear power plant inspection services.

Underwater Nuclear Coatings

UCC 1998The UCC coatings program is supported by experienced nuclear coatings professionals and registered engineers who specialize in safety-related protective coatings applied to service Level I areas. Following UCC’s 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA program, we have developed the inspection procedures and specialized quality control practices required by the industry to address safety-related qualified nuclear coatings under IWE inspection criteria.

Our underwater coating applicators undergo extensive training. Candidates receive instruction in the use of application tools as well as in application techniques. In-water, hands-on training is conducted in our test tank at UCCs wet testing facility. Repair procedures are continually updated to reflect the latest industry practice and ensure that underwater coatings can be applied efficiently and effectively. This includes surface preparation and application procedures and equipment. In addition, UCC is conducting its R&D to develop new methods for rapidly coating large areas.

Contact us to review how nuclear coatings can benefit your facility.

Underwater Construction Services and Support

Whether supporting new construction, extensive infrastructure rehabilitation, or decommissioning, UCC can perform turnkey work or provide diving support as a subcontractor on sizeable marine construction projects.

When dewatering is not practical or cost-effective, the work must be performed underwater. Comparisons of work performed underwater versus similar projects done dry have shown that the cost to dewater can exceed 50% of the total cost of the job. In one example, the estimate just to dewater was placed at $500,000 to $750,000. The actual cost of underwater concrete placement was $128,000.

Additionally, underwater repair minimizes the impact on power generation and eliminates the adverse structural and environmental impacts often associated with dewatering. UCC has extensive experience in:

  • Spent fuel pool reracking – installation, removal and volume reduction

  • ECCS and HPCI suction strainer installation and removal services

  • Decommissioning services

  • CP installation

  • Concrete restoration

  • Pump, pipe and cable installation

  • Erosion control and mitigation

  • Bulkhead, pier and pile rehabilitation

  • Traveling water screen installation and underwater rehabilitation

View more about our marine construction services.

Nuclear Welding

With the top nuclear industry welders, UCC’s specialized maintenance support includes underwater nuclear welding procedures qualified per ASME Section IX, ASME Section XI, IWA 4660 (formerly Code Case N-516) and AWS D3.6. The ASME procedures are qualified for all position groove welds on stainless steel plates and pipes. UCC has qualified carbon steel welding procedures to ASME Section XI IWA 4660, P1 to P1 base metal using an E309L-16 filler. The procedures were qualified for metals with a carbon equivalent of up to 0.525. View our nuclear welding services in more detail.

Nuclear Diving Expertise at Your Service

UCC nuclear divers are an elite team of commercial divers that support nuclear power plants by performing inspections, ongoing maintenance and emergent support. We maintain a quality assurance program that meets the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, N-QA1, ANSI N45.2 and is a participating member of the Nuclear Industry Assessment Committee (NIAC) audit program, similar to the joint audit program operated by utilities through the Nuclear Procurement Issue Committee (NUPIC). UCC is also a member in good standing with the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI).

View more details about our safety-related inspection and maintenance programs and our diver training requirements.

Contact Our Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance Experts

Help ensure your power plant’s safety, efficiency, and longevity by partnering with our team of experienced divers and technicians. With our in-depth diving knowledge, state-of-the-art equipment, and commitment to excellence, UCC is dedicated to delivering expert nuclear services tailored to your needs, including nuclear diving, nuclear decommissioning and underwater nuclear welding.

Reach out to our experts to discuss your nuclear power plant maintenance and rehabilitation requirements, and we will provide the comprehensive solutions you need for optimal facility performance.

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