Nuclear Power Plant Inspection

UCC executes inspections on safety-related and non-safety related structures, systems and components to provide the licensee with the data needed to make informed nuclear power plant maintenance and operational decisions. As the world’s leading nuclear diving company, UCC is recognized internationally for safety, quality, performance, reliability and proficiency in nuclear power plant inspection.

Our expert inspection processes help identify and address any issues, degradation, or wear-and-tear that could compromise a plant’s safe or economical operation, prevent potential accidents or malfunctions, and help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. We routinely inspect:

  • Offshore intake cribs, tunnels and canals

  • Traveling water screens
  • Intake structures and circulating water pumps

  • Condenser water boxes

  • Condensate storage tanks, reactor vessels and vessel internals, tori and suppression pools

  • Spent fuel pool liners, transfer systems and gates

Specialized Inspection Programs

Our comprehensive nuclear power plant inspection programs address the following:

  • Weld inspection

  • Coating and corrosion inspection

  • Mechanical and structural inspection

  • Leak detection

UCC’s inspection programs are typically integrated with a comprehensive maintenance program. For example, we begin with a comprehensive 33-point inspection to determine the current screen condition and the optimum frequency and level of scheduled maintenance required for traveling water screens.

Following the initial inspection, an assessment is performed to determine precisely what repairs, replacement, or refurbishment is required. Based on this analysis, UCC develops recommendations that include any deficiencies requiring immediate action and a detailed annual maintenance program specific to the needs of each screen.

Industry Qualified Inspectors

UCC inspectors are trained per industry-specific codes and standards. We provide complete underwater inspection and assessment programs supported by experienced nuclear power plant inspection professionals and registered professional engineers. Under UCC’s 10 CFR 50 Appendix B QA program, we have developed the inspection procedures and specialized quality control practices required by the industry to address safety-related structures, systems and components. Certifications, qualifications and procedures include:

  • ASME Section XI, CP 189 VT-1 Level I, II, III ISI, IWE inspector certification

  • ASME Section XI, CP 189 VT-3 Level I, II, III ISI, IWE inspector certification

  • ANSI N45.2.6 coating inspector certification

  • EPRI certified nuclear coating specials

  • QP.09.03: qualification and certification of ASME Section XI visual examination personnel (VT-1 and VT-3)

  • QP.09.04: training, qualification and certification of underwater and topside coatings applicator personnel

  • QP.10.09A: procedure for containment inspections – visual examinations (VT-1 and VT-3)

  • QP.12.01: control of measuring and test equipment

  • QP.12.02: calibration and use of underwater coatings measuring and test equipment

  • QP.15.01: reporting and evaluating defects and non-compliance

  • IOP.02.11: vacuum box testing procedure

  • QP.09.02: qualification and certification of non-destructive examination personnel

Proven Nuclear Inspection Capabilities

Our robust nuclear power plant inspection capabilities aim to assess critical systems and components comprehensively, promoting the highest safety and operational excellence. Just some of our inspection offerings include:

  • VT-1 and VT-3 inspection of Class MC and CC safety-related components

  • Corrosion inspection

  • ASME pressure vessel inspection

  • UT straight beam thickness measurements

  • Weld inspection

  • Class MC and CC pressure retaining structures

  • Torus, suppression pool, CST, SSW inspections

  • Potable water and fire suppression tanks

  • Intake structures and tunnels

  • Traveling water screens

  • Welding to Nuclear Codes

  • Custom solutions

Leverage the Expertise of Our Nuclear Power Plant Inspection Team

Reaching out to UCC with your nuclear power plant inspection needs is the first step towards optimizing the safety and reliability of your facility. Our skilled team of professionals will assess critical systems and components, identifying potential issues or improvement areas.  Our complete nuclear services, including diving, decommissioning, maintenance, and underwater welding, will help you optimize operational performance.

Contact our experts to discuss your nuclear power plant inspection requirements and let our nuclear services be a foundation of your success.

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