Nuclear Decommissioning Services
Over 200 commercial and prototype reactors, 450+ government and university research reactors, and multiple fuel cycle facilities have been retired since reaching the end of their lifespan or are no longer commercially viable. Decommissioning is the final stage of a nuclear facility’s lifecycle, and it involves planning, decontamination, dismantling, and managing the industrial and radiological materials.
Water in these facilities reduces personnel exposure to ionizing radiation, specifically from gamma, alpha, beta, and neutron energy. Most of these facilities will have basins, pools, ponds, tanks, and cavities that contain contaminated water and irradiated components for safe storage.
To support Decommissioning and Dismantlement (D&D), these water-filled facilities will need to be cleaned and emptied of components before removing the contaminated water and eventual remediation of the building and associated support facilities.
With UCC’s extensive underwater expertise in commercial nuclear power plants and proven track record of decommissioning projects, we are a trusted choice for nuclear decommissioning services. Our experience highlights the common challenges and valuable insights that our nuclear divers bring, and we provide efficient and effective solutions tailored to your facility’s specific requirements.
Benefits of Utilizing Nuclear Divers in Decommissioning Efforts
UCC’s renowned diving services and support for decommissioning work provides many benefits. Protected by the water shield, nuclear divers can approach highly radioactive materials with reduced exposure to ionizing radiation. At close range, sometimes within arm’s reach, divers can perform tasks safely, quickly, and accurately. These are often tasks difficult or impossible to perform using surface workers with long handled tools or complex, expensive remote tooling. UCC divers have several cost-effective underwater tools at their disposal, including underwater video for project documentation, high-efficiency vacuum systems for desludging, and plasma arc cutting systems for rapid segmentation of bulky equipment.

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Both government operated and commercial facilities in the D&D process are committed to adhering to the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle for radiation exposure to workers while at the same time minimizing the cost of a D&D project. Because water serves as an excellent radiation shield, commercial plants have long recognized diving as a valuable component of an ALARA program.
Commercial plants also recognized that divers can frequently work at a fraction of the cost and schedule required to design and build bespoke remote tools. In addition, the protective equipment worn by divers isolates them from other possible hazards such as asbestos, lead, and certain toxic chemicals. The ability of divers to operate safely in all sorts of hazardous environments is well documented.
Nuclear Diving Services
*Nuclear Divers vs Topside & Robotics
Contact our experts to discuss your project.
At UCC, safety is always our number one priority. Our divers are the best in the business, and nuclear operators call us first for expert nuclear decommissioning services.
Complete Nuclear Services for Customers Worldwide
With decades of work within the nuclear environment, UCC Project Management, Supervision, Remote Tooling Engineers, and Technicians are also relied on to complete services out of the water. Principle Nuclear Decommissioning companies have long relied on UCC, and we have supported decommissioning projects dating back to the 1980s. Specifically, UCC has supplied nuclear diving, remote tooling, tooling technicians, spent fuel handlers, and rigging services to the following projects:

UCC and UCC UK Ltd currently support nuclear decommissioning projects at San Onofre 2 and 3, Fort Calhoun, and Sellafield in Cumbria, UK.
UCC focuses on providing services to global customers with nuclear assets located on reservoirs, lakes, rivers, harbors, and in coastal areas. This focus has allowed us to develop the technical capabilities and resources necessary to effectively serve the needs of a unique but diverse client base.
Our nuclear decommissioning services range from rapid response to emergent work to large scale multi-year contracts. With assets strategically located in the US, Asia, South America, and the UK, UCC can mobilize quickly for specialized jobs and maintain a sustained presence, when necessary, globally.
We are also one of the largest diving contractors in the world specializing in underwater services to nuclear facilities. Explore more of our nuclear services, including:
Leverage Our Expert Nuclear Decommissioning Services
Harness the knowledge and specialized services of one of the world’s leading nuclear decommissioning companies to effectively manage the intricate process of dismantling and decontaminating your nuclear facility. Our solutions help deliver project outcomes on time and on budget. Contact our team today or fill out the form above and let’s discuss how our nuclear decommissioning services can help you meet your goals.