Dam Inspection and Survey Services

Dam inspection is a critical aspect that ensures the safety and reliability of dams, which are essential for providing water management, hydroelectric power, flood control, and other important services. As a leading company in the field of underwater diving and construction, Underwater Construction Corporation (UCC) understands the importance of dam inspection and offers a range of dam services to optimize functionality and improve the operational efficiency of these crucial structures.

Dam Inspection

A thorough dam inspection, both above and below water, will identify any issues or potential risks that could affect the dam’s performance, such as cracks, erosion, or other areas of concern or abnormalities. Our substructure inspection teams of highly trained and experienced divers use advanced technology and techniques to conduct inspections of the:

  • Physical condition of the dam structure, including the integrity of the concrete or other materials used during dam construction

  • Spillways

  • Intake structures

  • Gates

  • Embankments
  • Foundation
  • Dam instrumentation and monitoring

  • FERC Part 12 underwater condition assessments and reporting

These areas are examined using both ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) and divers to ensure that any potential issues are identified and addressed in a timely manner. UCC compiles a detailed report to include audio and video recordings of the inspection finding, documenting any issues identified, their severity, and recommended corrective actions so you understand the condition of your dam, and what services may be needed.

Underwater Dam Surveys

The goal of a dam survey is to gather detailed information about the dam’s underwater environment and components, which can be used to inform on-going maintenance or repair activities. A survey may include:

  • Bathymetric surveys to measure water depth and flow rates using specialized equipment such as sonar or laser scanning. This data can be used to create accurate maps of the underwater topography and identify potential issues such as erosion or sedimentation.
  • Sub-bottom profiling to identify potential risks, like seepage or soil instability
  • Environmental monitoring to assess water quality and to implement measures to mitigate the impact of dam construction on the surrounding ecosystem

A Trusted Partner in the Hydroelectric Power Industry

As a premier provider of underwater services to the hydro power industry, we recognize the high expectations of licensees who seek dam inspection and maintenance providers for enhancing plant reliability, improving plant safety, reducing costs and streamlining regulatory interactions. We specialize in dam services for hydro power plants and set standards for report deliverables, safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness that the industry has come to expect. View more of our hydro power projects and connect with our experts about your specific needs.

Contact Our Dam Inspection Experts

At UCC, we specialize in providing high-quality dam inspection services tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers. Our technicians and ADCI certified dive teams are equipped with the latest technology and expertise to assess the condition of your dam and identify potential issues. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help ensure the safety and integrity of your dam.

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