Over 50 Years As The Worldwide Leader In Commercial Diving
Underwater Construction Corporation (UCC) is founded by John Chiangi, Sr. and Stuart Leech.
UCC divers complete radiological dives at the Yankee Rowe Nuclear Plant.
UCC is acquired by a publicly owned asbestos abatement company named The Brand Companies. The original founders leave. Chiangi’s son, John, Jr., takes over as president of the company.
UCC completes its first international project at a nuclear plant in Taiwan. As a result, UCC goes on to successfully complete several nuclear plant projects throughout Taiwan into the early 2000s.
UCC and its parent company acquire Lakeshore Marine located in Michigan. This allowed UCC to expand its operations to the Great Lakes region and service a host of new and existing clients, particularly one noteworthy customer located on Lake Michigan, which happens to be UCC’s longest running contract to date. UCC also takes on two massive projects in this year. The first is a re-rack project at a nuclear plant in California. The second is a marine construction project for Metro-North Commuter Railroad that involved the extensive rehabilitation of four railroad bridges in Connecticut. Both projects are a great success and help UCC gain substantial recognition in the nuclear and marine diving industry.
UCC develops state-of-the-art methods and products that can withstand high levels of radiation and be applied underwater in nuclear plants. UCC completes its first project of this type.
UCC completes its first safety-related welds at a Nuclear Plant in North Carolina and its first dryer cut-up at a nuclear site in Japan.
Formerly a public company, UCC is acquired by three standout employees who have worked many years as divers and in management roles. The new leadership team is comprised of John Lawton as President and CEO, and Michael Pellini and William Feeley as two vice presidents.
UCC also opens a new office in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee, to service the vast network of power producing facilities along the Tennessee Valley River System. This expansion into the south eventually accounts for 25% of the Company’s annual revenues.
UCC performs dives at one of the largest nuclear facilities in the world. More than 30 divers work at the site in Japan for several months and the outcome of the project proves to be a tremendous success.
UCC signs joint venture with Chinese company QPOC providing training and development services. The relationship continues to this day.
UCC’s Michigan office expands its marine diving operations further west to Wisconsin.
Lawton retires from UCC after serving as its President and CEO for eighteen years. The two remaining owners, Pellini and Feeley remain as co-chairmen and promote the company’s Chief Financial Officer Raymond Palumbo, to the position of President and CEO.
UCC is awarded a contract at a nuclear site in England leading UCC to open its first international subsidiary, Underwater Construction Corporation UK, Ltd.
UCC pioneers the first radiological dives in England, further establishing itself as an elite diving authority.
Evoqua Water Technologies and UCC team up. These two powerhouses are now set to deliver expert underwater service to the water power industry. This unprecedented alliance combines the intake innovation of Evoqua with the elite diving capabilities of UCC to form an unparalleled service offering.
Underwater Construction Corporation UK, Ltd. enters the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Annual Awards competition and wins ‘Highly Commended’ for The Best Technical Innovation to Benefit a Site License Company.
Underwater Construction Corporation is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Founded in 1969 by John Chiangi, Sr. and Stuart Leech, UCC has grown to be the largest inland commercial diving firm in the United States.
Leverage The UCC Advantage
From rapid response, emergent work, to large-scale, multi-year service contracts.