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Monthly Archives: September 2022

UCC Divers Decommission Lake Water Intake Structure

Kenosha, Wisconsin.  UCC was recently contracted to decommission a raw cooling water intake structure located approximately one mile offshore of Lake Michigan. As part of the power plant closure, the UCC Wisconsin office worked closely with the fossil fuel power generation utility owner to complete the structure demolition.   [...]

2022-10-07T20:43:39+00:00September 28th, 2022|UCC News|

Dredge Sediment Dewaterability Testing

The three most important keys for success for the sediment management/dewatering operations in any hydraulic dredging of pits, ponds and lagoons for municipalities, industrial manufacturing, or power plants are 1st Preparation, 2nd Preparation, and 3rd Preparation! With more than 36 years of hands-on experience, [...]

2024-07-22T15:43:12+00:00September 21st, 2022|UCC News|

Underwater Mineral Processing Services Provides Rental of Portable Clarifier / Paste Thickener Unit

UMPS Pit-Hog Robotic Dredge: Photo J. Meagher - UMPS The hydraulic dredging of pits, ponds & lagoons necessitates the integration of critical slurry processing operations for the dewatering and subsequent management of solids.   For mechanical dewatering operations of dredge slurries up to 2,000 gallons/minute (gpm) with typical solids contents [...]

2024-07-22T15:27:55+00:00September 15th, 2022|UCC News|
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