What does it mean to be an ADCI member in good standing?

Member is current on all dues, and holds a valid ADCI certificate.

Member has successfully completed mandatory audit.

All divers and supervisors must maintain current ADCI cards (including the ADCI physical).

Sample ADCI diver certification card

ADCI sample

Sample ADCI supervisor certification card

ADCI sample

UCC has managed all three of these elements to secure our membership. As a long time member of ADCI, UCC has embraced these requirements, including the arduous task of participating in a successful independent audit of our operation.

We found the audit process to be extremely thorough, and the auditor was very knowledgeable and carried out the audit in a professional manner.

For a company the size of Underwater Construction Corporation, passing this type of in depth audit demonstrates our company’s commitment to providing a safe, compliant and professional work environment at all times, and in all aspects.  Underwater Construction Corporation is proud to continue for so many years as a member in good standing with the ADCI.