Case Study: Efficient Alum Sludge Dewatering at Braintree Water Treatment Plant

The Challenge

The media-filter backwash basins at the Town of Braintree, Mass. Water Treatment Plant were filling to capacity. In need of reliable and efficient alum sludge dewatering, the plant manager investigated several methods of removing alum sludge from the basins, and found large cost variables among pumping, dewatering and disposal methods. The town’s hired consultant reviewed mechanical and Geotube®* engineered textiles for alum sludge dewatering and disposal on a bone-dry-weight basis.

The Solution

After conferring with the water treatment plant sludge removal experts at UMPS, the town’s consultant pilot-tested Geotube® containers and found, with SmartFeed™** chemical conditioning, this technology provided the highest economy by volume for reduction of sludge.

The town engineer designed a lay-down area based on the size of Geotube® containers needed for one year’s estimated volume of alum sludge wasting. The lay-down pad’s designed elevation allowed for collection of filtrates, which drained back to the head works of the settling basins. A hydrant and electrical power disconnect were installed near the lay-down pad for SmartFeed™ chemical conditioning equipment needs.

Sludge dewatering

A bi-annual alum sludge dewatering schedule was proposed by the consultant; a SmartFeed™ processing trailer would be shipped to the plant, connected in one day to the provided utilities, and be ready to receive sludge the following day from the basin pumping operation.

The town purchased Geotube® containers and installed interconnecting pipe manifolds, allowing several tubes to receive flow. Sludge pumping consisting of rocks, sticks and leaves, utilized the town’s excavator to both mix the sludge and position the portable centrifuge pump, achieving flow rates of 300-800 gpm, with slurry solids of 1-6 percent.

The SmartFeed® technology maintained necessary dosage rates and daily project data acquisition without upset, resulting in filtrate capture rates of 24 NTUs discharging to the basin head works, and cake solids achieving 34 percent dry solids after several weeks of drainage.

*Geotube® is a registered trademark of TenCate™ and is used with permission.
**SmartFeed™ is a patent-pending technology of Mineral Processing Services, LLC.

Customer Comments

“I found the daily process benchmarking provided by the SmartFeed™ system, with on-site support of Mineral Processing Services’ filtration manager, invaluable in making daily decisions about our pumping methods.

The SmartFeed™ process and Geotube® containers allowed us to pump our holding basins at whatever flow rate and percent solids we could achieve without causing upset to the filtrate quality.

I look forward, in a few months, to the SmartFeed™ system again filling the Geotube® containers in half the time, with various pumping methods, resulting in more savings for our operations budget!”

Sludge dewatering

Contact our Alum Sludge Dewatering Experts

UMPS, an established leader in cost-effective sludge and sediment dewatering solutions, understands the challenges faced by water treatment plants, particularly the growing volume of alum sludge and the need for environmentally responsible disposal methods.

Our team of experts can design and implement a customized alum sludge dewatering plan using advanced technologies like Geotube® engineered textiles. This expertise translates to drier solids, significantly reducing disposal costs and minimizing the environmental footprint of your water treatment operations. Contact our team today and let’s discuss your alum sludge dewatering needs.

Contact James E. Meagher
207-751-4416 (cell)
860-767-8256 x. 136 (office)
[email protected]